Whether you are a career starter*, career changer*, changer*, climber* and *inside; we are proud to have been able to accompany people with our coaching offers for 20 years. We welcome all reasons for wanting to develop personally and professionally. We look forward to honest and appreciative encounters from person to person and are happy to work to ensure that you gain inspiration and courage to develop your own ideas.
In a trusting framework, we create new paths step by step towards more stability and clarity and provide orientation in the process with our specialist knowledge. Our aim is to enable you as a person or as a team to develop realistic and sustainable foundations for your own direction. We represent a systemic and solution-oriented approach. Our focus is on your individual personality, your needs and your strengths.
We offer individual job coaching, career and integration coaching in person and online, regardless of location, for everyone who is actively looking for professional and personal development. Our coaching offers are individually and modularly adaptable, certified and suitable for cost absorption via AVGS (activation and placement voucher). Start your professional future with us.
We check the tools of your application strategy. Depending on your needs, we define goals more precisely, revise documents and train discussions and presentations.
Let's take a comprehensive look at your professional history and develop resource-oriented and solid strategies, plans and solutions for your individual path to work.
We support you in all issues that stand in the way of a successful career choice and open up new perspectives for professional qualification or reorientation. If necessary, we continue the coaching part-time for 3 - 6 months.
In addition to the contents of the job coaching, we support you in order to be able to master the challenges of professional life in a stabilized and strengthened manner. People with a migration background receive professional language support from us.
We put your business idea through its paces and advise and support you in the preparation and planning on the way to your independent project. After completion, you will receive a certificate of viability for further funding opportunities.
If you do not live in Berlin or would like to work from home, we also offer all our offers online.
We check the tools of your application strategy. Depending on your needs, we define goals more precisely, revise documents and train discussions and presentations.
Let's take a comprehensive look at your professional history and develop resource-oriented and solid strategies, plans and solutions for your individual path to work.
We support you in all issues that stand in the way of a successful career choice and open up new perspectives for professional qualification or reorientation. If necessary, we continue the coaching part-time for 3 - 6 months.
You will gradually develop your subject areas so that you can master the challenges of professional life in a stabilized and strengthened manner. You will find your own solutions and answers to professional, health and personal issues and gain energy and confidence.
We put your business idea through its paces and advise and support you in the preparation and planning on the way to your independent project. After completion, you will receive a certificate of viability for further funding opportunities.
If you do not live in Berlin or would like to work from home, we also offer all our offers online.
We check the tools of your application strategy. Depending on your needs, we define goals more precisely, revise documents and train discussions and presentations.
Let's take a comprehensive look at your professional history and develop resource-oriented and solid strategies, plans and solutions for your individual path to work.
In addition to the contents of the job coaching, we support you in order to be able to master the challenges of professional life in a stabilized and strengthened manner. People with a migration background receive professional language support from us.
We support you in all issues that stand in the way of a successful career choice and open up new perspectives for professional qualification or reorientation. If necessary, we continue the coaching part-time for 3 - 6 months.
We put your business idea through its paces and advise and support you in the preparation and planning on the way to your independent project. After completion, you will receive a certificate of viability for further funding opportunities.
If you do not live in Berlin or would like to work from home, we also offer all our offers online.
We do not see ourselves as experts for solutions, but as helpful thinkers and process designers on your very own path.
During a non-binding, personal meeting, we will discuss your coaching concerns over the phone. Together we decide which of our programs and which coach is suitable for you. You can start at any time.
We do not see ourselves as experts for solutions, but as helpful thinkers and process designers on your very own path.
During a non-binding, personal meeting, we will discuss your coaching concerns over the phone. Together we decide which of our programs and which coach is suitable for you. You can start at any time.
For all our individuality: we humans are social beings and gain from thinking together. An appreciative dialogue, smart questions that help you to leave your usual ways of thinking and comfort zones and, above all, methodically experienced thinking partners at your side are our formula for effectiveness. In this way you gain clarity, develop your own solution options and independently plan achievable goals.
Goals and decisions are individual. By including diverse perspectives, we gain further solution options and ideas.
We provide overview, structure and focus in the orientation chaos.
We focus on all facets of your personality, with all your needs and desires as a person.
"Ich habe im Coaching Prozess viele Potenziale herausgearbeitet und habe ein tolles vertrauenvolles Verhältnis mit meinem Coach aufbauen können. Tolles Team, angenehme Atmosphäre, schöne Räume. Würde mir wünschen, dass viel mehr Personen solch einen Prozess durchlaufen würden, da er so hilfreich ist."
"Das Gründungscoaching der DA Coaching ist professionell, zuverlässig und wertschätzend. Das komplette Team versteht es einen mit einer großartigen Warmherzigkeit aufzunehmen, sodass ich im Coaching entspannt und produktiv meinen Businessplan verwirklichen konnte...Ich kann daher das Coaching mit einem sehr gutem Gewissen weiterempfehlen. Einen ganz großen Dank für das tolle Coaching!"
"....beruflich werde ich eine andere Richtung einschlagen, die wir im Coaching herausgearbeitet hatten und freue mich auf diesen neuen Weg, auf die neue Perspektive. Danke auch dafür an meinen Coach. Die Atmosphäre beim Coaching war respektvoll, sehr angenehm und vertrauensvoll. Den Ablauf empfand ich als professionell und sehr strukturiert...."
DA German employment agency GmbH
fountain street 181
10119 Berlin
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